Why Deny Aliens Are Real


Image provided by: thegates (wallpaperup.com)

Outer space, some imagine it to be completely empty, aside from the stars, planets, moons and other inhabitable parts of the galaxy. For me I’ve always believed that our universe seems too vast and capable for there to be no sign of other intelligent life or civilization out there. But could aliens really exist? Could we as humans adapt to living with extraterrestrial life? I like to think the answer would be yes for both. For presently, there are both biochemical and evolutionary theories, as well as scientific searches and eye witnesses that conclude the possible existence of aliens.

Recently, as of October 28, 2014, Dr Boyd Bushman – who used to work at Area 51 – revealed aliens are in fact real. Boyd opened up about his career in studying UFOs and alien life at the secretive area 51 base in a short documentary film, just before he died. He explains that while their eyes and noses are different from humans, they still have five fingers and five toes and stand about 5 feet in height. They do have the ability to read minds and can communicate to us through telepathy.

It’s exciting learning this information and idea of what they’d be like, I think some parts of humanity could withstand and eventually become used to possibly living alongside extraterrestrials. However, in our current state, the world may not be prepared to accept and invite aliens onto our planet, we seem to have enough difficulty learning to deal with each other. But space has provided us with so many advances and has always had some part in Digital story telling. In fact if it wasn’t for these discoveries we made in space we wouldn’t have access to the many technological innovations we have today. Ultimately, I imagine our world will at some point become so technologically advanced and society so modern, that we’ll eventually accept and welcome the idea of having/living with an alien presence.

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