This is the End.. Already?


Image provided by: natalieherbstreit

So this is weird.. I only remember being young and dreaming of this moment but now its happened and it’s already coming to a close. Going to college always seemed like that something you knew was eventually going to come along. You wait so long and work so hard just to make it there, though once you get in the thick of all the homework and studies you kind of almost wish you had left it off for a little while longer. Now that I’m almost finished my first year, however, I’m beginning to feel very mixed emotions about leaving. I’d really like to be over and done with it, but like anything you spend time with you end up growing an appreciation and accustomed to it. My Media Fundamentals program at Sheridan College only lasts for year anyway, which I knew about starting the course, and I’d decided that once this year was finished I would take a year off to earn and work a bit (I know most people would think this risky but I also just read today that some 16-year-old girl plans to sail around the world by herself so I could actually care less about what people are thinking or doing) which I hope will go well until I plan to return to school. I have ideas of where I’d like to see myself next and the school I’d liked to attend once the time comes but plan or no plan my life will always continue to surprise me in every way. I just hope now that with all this new found knowledge I’ve acquired I might actually be prepared for some of it.

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